The implementation of change management helps to support, facilitate, and embed our organisational design and job architecture interventions. This is a process that ideally commences prior to the start of an organisational design / job architecture project and continues throughout and beyond the project’s lifecycle.
Why Change Management is required?
- Studies estimate that up to 80% of successful project implementation is directly related to people related soft issues.
- On average, about 20% of the time and effort is spent on developing a plan to address these issues.
- The plans that are developed are often not informed by understanding of human behaviour, and are insufficient and ineffective in addressing resistance.
When do Change Interventions fail?
- When there is a lack of a compelling case
- Failing to understand what change really is
- Failing to engage with employees
- Ineffective implementation
What is the Anchor Chain™ Change Management Model?
- A BIOSS SA-owned and developed Change Management Model
- Developed over a 5-year period by senior change consultants
- The most comprehensive change model available
- Addresses both planned and unplanned change
- Is underpinned by Levels of Work
- Combines elements of neuroscience and change agility
- Simple, practical and easy to use
- Aligns with organisational culture
- Creates organisational infrastructure to support change
How we engage with clients and independent consultants:
We are very focused on ensuring that companies are able to manage their change effectively. We therefore do the following with our Anchor ChainTM Change Management Methodology to ensure this happens:
- We train and license in-house practitioners to be able to utilise the methodology in their respective organisations
- We train and license independent consultants so that they can apply the methodology with their clients
- We provide change management consulting services applying the methodology directly with our clients
Anchor Chain™ Implementation Process
Planned Change Process: ANCHOR
- Assess
- Need Creation
- Communicate
- Hear
- Operationalize
- Reinforce
Unplanned Change Process: CHAIN
- Communicate
- Hear
- Assess
- Intervene
- New