Yvonne joined Third Foundation Systems (TFS) in 1998, prior to the formation of BIOSS SA. She holds a BSc degree and an Honours Degree in Psychology and is a Registered Psychometrist. She has 19 years of experience working with CPA and other BIOSS-related processes and over the years has been involved in a wide range of HRD projects with many major client organisations both locally and internationally.

As a BIOSS SA Associate, Yvonne has assisted BIOSS SA in various aspects of the business, including assessments and the training of CPA, IRIS and MWR practitioners. She has also received training  in various HR-related areas including:

  • Competency Based Assessment,
  • Assessment Centres,
  • Leadership Development and Coaching,
  • Job Profiling,
  • Supervision,
  • Management,
  • Leadership,
  • Life Skills,
  • etc.

Yvonne enjoys reading and continuously learning about new developments in the business world.

Yvonne Tippins - Associate