Priming Organisations for Success – A Strategy, Structure and People Solution

At BIOSS SA we have been consulting to organisations for 20 years. In this time we have worked with clients across numerous sectors, of many sizes and in different stages of business growth. Whether the company is a blue chip organisation with 20 000 employees or a small enterprise of 500 employees, the challenges generally remain the same. The questions commonly asked of us by senior executives are:

  • How can we ensure our business will remain a viable entity in 10-20 years time?
  • How do we develop our strategic objectives, vision and intent to ensure our long-term continued competitive advantage?
  • How do we manage the complexity of running a global organisation taking country-specific nuances into account?
  • How can we foster a culture of high performance and innovation?
  • How do we foster continuous improvement, innovation and strategic thinking amongst our staff?
  • How do we identify and groom our future leaders to ensure long-term continuity and growth?

Answering these questions isn’t easy but it’s also not that difficult. The reason for this lies with BIOSS SA’s globally renowned Modified Career Path Appreciation (MCPA). The MCPA is an online assessment followed by a Skype or telephonic validation session, which determines individuals’ capability.

Capability describes a person’s capacity to make decisions during times of uncertainty – what is more commonly referred to as Strategic Thinking. Any organisation is stratified according to levels or what we call themes of work. Every role has it’s own theme of work ranging from being very operational in nature (little to no ambiguity, structured with clearly defined outputs) to those that are highly strategic where leaders work in uncertain, ambiguous and complex environments.

Every theme of work is as important as the next in achieving organisational success however the ultimate vision, direction and strategic intent of a business needs to be determined by its most senior leaders who require the necessary capability to do so. The MCPA enables organisations to ensure they have the right people in the right jobs at the right time across all themes of work. When this occurs the organisation will be in a state of ‘flow’ – productive, efficient, high performing, engaged, innovative and strategic.

Future leaders with the ‘core’ ingredient of capability potential can be identified and groomed, career pathing and succession planning can be better managed, organisational design, structure and required strategy can be better understood and overall a more compact, lean and agile organisation primed for success can be developed – all through using the MCPA as a strategy, structure, and people solution.